2010 (Volume 22)
This year our stories, essays and poems have themes dealing with memory, mystery and the secrets of people and the universe.
Daryl Murphy's "Philly," our prize-winning short story, is a coming-of-age piece about two high school boys set in Chicago in the 1960s. Life is hard enough just being a teen-aged boy, but what if you want to befriend a teammate who your parents think isn't the right race? "Philly" is haunting, and the reader begins to realize the boy's secret. Molly Power's main character, Laura, in "Parity," discovers her husband's secret. "Under a shoe box filled with postcards they collected from their vacations were two pieces of pink paper folded into tight little squares." In Catherine Gentile's "Woven Butterflies," secrets abound in the story of two Afghani girls as they find out who their husbands will be and peek at a book hidden in the bedroom wall. Our prize-winning poem and essay deal with struggling to understand the mystery of the past.
So, the mysteries inside our magazine are waiting to be uncovered by you. Curl up on your couch with our 22nd issue of The Briar Cliff Review and delve into the secrets that our writers and artists unveil for you. Enjoy.
COVER: "#185 Square" / Bart Vargas / mixed media on panel
Contest Winners